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We’re proud of our Welsh roots and passionate about making a positive impact on communities and industries – it’s our mission to support Welsh businesses.

As a business based in Wales, you could access free training for your staff. We can help them to develop existing or build new skills which your employees can then inject into your business. And if you’re recruiting new staff, which can be time-consuming and expensive, we can even support you with their recruitment at no cost.

As one of only ten Welsh Government contracted training providers, we are able to offer free, fully-funded training and help with the recruitment of new staff. We’re passionate about supporting Welsh companies and helping you access the funding available.

Many of our courses are available to anyone over the age of 16 and are offered across a range of industries, from business, health and social care, and childcare, to animal care, hairdressing, and energy management.

Why is staff development important?

For businesses to grow, there needs to be new ways of working and new skills and ideas injected into the business. By developing your staff, they will learn new skills that they can use in their job, helping to boost the company. For companies struggling with staff retention, offering employees training and development makes them feel valued and helps with motivation.

We are here to support and grow your business. As our qualifications are fully-funded, there is no cost to you as the business, or the employee. Our fully-funded courses are a fantastic way to upskill your current staff with the latest skills and training or help with recruiting new staff to fill vacancies.


Why choose Educ8 Training?

As a prime contract holder, we are one of ten chosen apprenticeship providers that have a contract to deliver learning through Welsh Government funding.

Educ8 Training has a reputation for high quality employer and learner feedback. 100% of employers rate Educ8 as ‘Good to Excellent’ and 100% of employers would recommend Educ8 as a training provider to other companies. And 100% of employers agree that apprenticeships have helped in developing their staff. Our accolades include Investors in People (IIP) Platinum accreditation and we’ve been recognised as the ‘#1 Best Organisation To Work For in Education and Training’. We also made the ‘Top 5 Best Mid-Sized Companies To Work For in the UK’.

Employers we work with are a name and not a number. We care about your business and work with you, taking time to understand your business needs. Our dedicated team of account managers carry out a skills analysis to identify the gaps in your business. Our bespoke qualifications, which are a mix of mandatory and optional units, tailor the training to the job role and your business. Our 2022 learner and employer survey found that 100% of employers reported that Educ8 met or exceeded their organisational needs.

Your staff and business are in safe hands with Educ8. Our quality teaching and tailored qualifications are the reason so many businesses already work with us. Your staff will be taught by our qualified and experienced subject experts. We even support learners through essential skills in maths and English.

Well-connected in the business world, we are members of the Institute of Directors and partner with colleges, other training providers, Careers Wales and Welsh Government.

02 July 2024

Supporting Success: Cardiff University’s Apprenticeship Journey with Educ8 Training

05 June 2024

My Journey in Curriculum Development and Project Management at Educ8 Training

21 May 2024

Making a difference to the planet through learning

14 May 2024

Wibli Wobli Nursery finds new home after fire devastation

14 March 2024

Journey to Leadership: A 22-Year Career at Riverwood Housing

12 February 2024

A Recap of National Apprenticeship Week 2024 

09 February 2024

Advancing Careers in the Childcare Sector Through Apprenticeships

08 February 2024

A Sky-High Journey: Catching Up with Sky’s Apprentices, One Year On

05 February 2024

Pathway to Success: Progressing Career with Apprenticeships

16 January 2024

Educ8 Training Group advocates for apprenticeships in the face of potential budget cuts

09 January 2024

Balancing Success: nurturing staff wellbeing, growth and enhancing retention

14 December 2023

Educ8 Training Group Launches Community Project Backed by UK Government to Improve Numeracy Skills in Neath-Port Talbot

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